WARWICK WEALTH MATTERS – SIGNS OF GREEN SHOOTS EMERGING I think we are all agreed, it’s been a long, tough and challenging year. Even the most experienced futurologists could not have forecast the confluence of post-pandemic economic and financial fall-out, record inflation, soaring interest rates and the Russian invasion of Ukraine, leaving many parts of the world energy and food insecure. International and local markets have endured a torrid time, while reserve bank governors have been challenged to find solutions to what has become systemic global inflationary pressures. Yet, we may be seeing the early signs of a future path to recovery. The inflation cycle appears to be peaking and thus we may be heading towards the end of the interest-rate hiking cycle. Moreover, despite persistent challenges, global markets showed strong recovery in October. One swallow does not a bull market make, however, and we remain cautious regarding some of the fundamental challenges that still need to be ironed out of the global and local economic system. One factor remains a constant, however, and that is Warwick Wealth’s commitment to you our clients, professional network and supporters. We will continue to monitor and manage your investments with utmost diligence and […]
The post Warwick Wealth Matters – November 2022 appeared first on Ian Kilbride.