As we head into the 2022 festive season, please take just a few minutes to read through this brief check list to ensure that your Will complies with the required standards and meets your specific wishes. If you are in doubt, please call your Wealth Specialist or qualified Financial Advisor to assist and Appleton will be on standby to update all your fiduciary requirements. Remember, a Will rejected by the authorities may have dire consequences for your loved ones. Requirements for a valid will: The importance of updating your will regularly Some of the factors that should be looked at for updating your will are as follows: Finally, please ensure that a signed copy of your Will is safely stored. Appleton provides an off-site safe storage facility at no cost for all our clients. Until we speak again in 2023, please be careful, stay safe and have a wonderful festive season!
The post The Importance of Having a Valid Will appeared first on Ian Kilbride.