What a rollercoaster ride we have been on in 2022. Local and global markets have been incredibly volatile as in February the world came to grips with the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the resultant sanctions. Global inflation continued to spike on increased demand impacted by supply disruptions, caused, in part, by the Ukraine war, together with China’s zero Covid policy. This propelled central banks around the world to aggressively raise interest rates in an effort to stem inflation. During the year inflation in many countries reached 30-year highs, and central banks will be forced to continue raising interest rates in 2023 to combat inflation. Notably, however, we expect the rate of increase to slow as economic growth slows, but will continue to impact world markets for some time. As we process this extraordinary global complexity, it is helpful for us take stock and review where we are from an investment perspective and across a range of factors and criteria, starting with asset allocation Asset Allocation This is by far the most important factor to consider when constructing an investment portfolio. Asset allocation refers to how much of one’s portfolio is allocated to local shares, local property, local fixed income […]
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